Saturday, June 14, 2014

Why do I find this adorable?

I bought Marissa a "Girls World" magazine from Winco and she tore some pages out and decorated her room.... I remember doing this as a girl too.... Eventually they get replaced with pics of boys but we can hold off for awhile....

The heart reads... "Girls World club"

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Idaho new home

Here is a picture of the front of our home that we are buying for those asking for a picture.

Discovering Twin Falls, ID

                 Welcome to Twin Falls : (these are not pictures taken by me)
 This is the I.B.Perrine bridge crossing over the canyon into Twin Falls. It is breathtaking to stand at the edge and look over. Thrill seekers jump off this bridge as a sport or for fun. It is calld BASE jumping and is perfectly legal to do so in Idaho (unlike in WA). This bridge is named after the man who helped in getting this bridge financed and put into motion.

Her is an aerial photo where you can see the Twin Falls mall to the left of the bridge

I have yet to explore in the canyon or see the falls. Looking forward to doing so!

I have been told that there are walking trails...

A beautiful golf course at her bottom of the canyon

Remember how I mentioned BASE jumping.... Well here ya go!

Monday, April 14, 2014

We will stop moving one day....

Being as the title of this blog is about our journey and I have not updated since September 2012.....
You all are pretty much caught up on what has happened to us since then but just for the sake of keeping records....

Ha! It's too funny to even post is again because it feels like we have been on repeat.

Brian received a job offer in Idaho. He accepted and we then sold our new home in WA and moved to Idaho. Four kids in tow, it was hard to do but it is a great job! We have been renting since the end of September 2013 until now. We finally found a home after hunting for a long time! It is in Twin Falls, ID. I will post pics of the new home for close friends and family that are curious and also some pics of the city of Twin and it's history. I find very interesting. You can get to know it with us :)

Love to all,

Katrina and Brian + kids

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

One year later

We sold our home. We had baby Hailey. We lived in a tiny apartment for 4 months while we built our new home. We moved into our new home. We found out we are expecting again! Wowee :) Marissa started kindergarten. Jackson is potty trained and talks so much. Hailey is crawling and loves to try new foods. Life is busy and good! We are expecting baby # 4 in February 2013. We are going to enjoy these few months with our kiddos before life gets busier.


The Truitt's

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Here we go ---->

There is someone kicking me from the inside. It's nap time and all is well for the moment. Brian is at work managing the chemical warehouse and counting month end inventory. Marissa starts preschool next week. We have her backpack and school supplies ready, finally! Jackson is sleeping in his big boy bed (after a couple of escape attempts first and then he is ready to sleep). I am sitting here looking at the packed boxes and bare walls. We have our house up for sale. The two trouble maker dogs we have are asleep outside and looking so innocent but they keep us busy. Our neighbors know them both by name and the neighborhood children volunteer to catch them for us when they escape our 6 foot fenced backyard. I am looking forward to the fall season. It is a wonderful time of the year. My belly is growing and my emotions are flowing :'0(  and ;-) at the same time. It is a bittersweet time in my life. My children are growing right before my eyes. I feel like Brian and I are at the very edge of the next phase of our lives together. It is amazing to look back at where we began and what we have and what we could have. I love my family so much and I am so grateful for them everyday! I want to cherish every moment, sometimes I want to rewind, pause, and fast forward. I am such a lucky woman to be able to have this beautiful life. I am trying to do the best I can. I want to be a good mother and wife. Our life is so colorful; so much is going on at once and at the same time, time stands still. I haven't updated our blog in so long. I think it's time. So, there ya go folks. A little piece of my world.
Best wishes to all of you. Enjoy eachother right now. Go hug someone and tell them how much you care.
Love Always,